Growing Local SC is focused on building a network that supports South Carolina in getting food from farms and gardens to the table. The network is designed to be reflective of South Carolina's local food system which is a complex web of activities involving the production, processing, transport, and consumption of food.​
Growing Local SC is a network focused on facilitating collaboration between organizations and individuals actively engaged in supporting South Carolina's Food System. The Network will 1) connect and cultivate South Carolina’s local food economy, 2) develop a plan centered on addressing systemic inequities in the state’s food system, 3) catalyze action to address farmland loss, 4) increase capacity of the local food system, and 5) refine metrics for measuring partnerships.
To connect with Growing Local SC, become a SC Food Policy Council member by clicking here.
Visit the Growing Local SC website to learn more at growinglocalsc.org. ​
The project is supported by funds from the 2021 USDA Regional Food System Partnership Grant