The SC Local Food System Roadmap consists of an inventory map and resource directory to support the growth and development of South Carolina’s food system across the value chain from farm to table. As a state where agribusiness is the primary economic driver, it is crucial for South Carolina to understand the challenges and opportunities facing the industry to increase collaboration and avoid duplication in meeting the demand for local food. The mapping includes key infrastructure points such as farmers markets, processors, hubs, cold storage, and support organizations. The resource guide will provide interested parties with a detailed directory. This video tutorial will walk you through how to navigate the data on these maps. For ease of access, the reference guide below shows when the video jumps to the next tab.
Minute 1:45 - Local Food Business Explorer
Minute 3:20 - USDA Agriculture Census Data Explorer
Minute 4:45 - County Profiles
The SC Local Food System Roadmap is under the umbrella of the South Carolina Food Policy Council, under the direction of Wit Meets Grit and in partnership with the South Carolina Department of Agriculture, College of Charleston, Coastal Conservation League, Growfood Carolina, Lowcountry Local First, USC School of Public Health, Carolina Farm Stewardship Association, SC Community Loan Fund, SC Farm Bureau, Charleston County Farm Bureau, and Central Midlands COG.